Monday, December 28, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Visit to Santa

We had a blast today at Bass Pro Shop with Aunt Regina, Leah and Dylan. Saige loved looking at the fish in the huge tank and was in awe...

Check out the huge bass in the picture...or this might have been the catfish:

We made snowmen Christmas tree ornaments, shopped a little, and then waited in line to see Santa, which was an activity all in itself.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Saige gets a hair cut

Here's the final product...

Bangs are a bit shorter than I prefer and the top is braided, which may not show in this picture.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

About to see the Movie Avatar in 3D...

What do 3D movie glasses look like these days? Well, here ya go. We had a blast out with Amber and Austin. And, the movie was absolutely unbelievable. It was maybe the best movie I've ever seen, especially in the sci/fi-fantasy-action genre. The scenes and storyline were breathtakingly beautiful.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Here's what was for dinner this week...

Yep, I only cooked once this week, unless you count canned chili (Amber, stop rolling your eyes and send me your chili recipe, already). I'm not very domestic, I know. I can cook, I just don't. Fortunately, this is one of John's fave meals and will feed us for a few days. All credit goes to Amber, of course... (Maybe this blog should be entitled, 'All About Amber', hehe.)

Chicken Pot Pie smothered with cheesy potatos...Mmmmmm

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Saige has her party clothes on!

Saige is headed to her 2nd cousin's 3rd bday party with her Yaya...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Getting in the Christmas Spirit

Ok, all you scrooges in bloggy land...Merry Christmas! Here is a post that I copied from Missy  and Amber's blogs:

Everything you wanted to know about how we celebrate Christmas...
...but didn't care enough to ask!

1. Eggnog or hot chocolate? I like both but my fave beverages during the holidays are Starbuck's peppermint hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles AND pumpkin spice creamer in my coffee. John's answer: "I don't like eggnog". So, there you go.

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just place them under the tree, unwrapped? Growing up in my house, presents from Santa were always wrapped. But, I really like the concept of - and have experienced friend's Christmas' - of unwrapped Santa presents under the tree. I think I want to do this for Saige.

And, now that I have a little girl, I'm remembering a lot about my childhood and want to give a shout out and props to my mom. She did a GREAT job at Christmas. I don't mean she always bought us the best, newest stuff or a ton of it (although there were many Christmas' where this was the case). I mean I can tell how much work, thought, time and effort she put into it. I do have some great memories of Christmas morning. Thank you, Mother...I love you. J's answer: Both.

3. Colored lights on tree and/or house or white lights? I am a HUGE fan of all white lights on the outside of the house and the tree; especially the Christmas tree. I think it's pretty hard to pull off great looking colored lights on the lawn. And, I dislike all the multi-colored lights on the tree. John grew up with colored lights on the tree, so this has been a point of contention every Christmas! We always work it out and the tree looks fab in the end. John usually decorates most of it based on my preferences and direction giving. Hehe. J's: Both.

4. Do you hang mistletoe? Only if I have a big party. J's answer: No.

5. When do you put your decorations up? I like to do it Thanksgiving weekend, but doesn't always mean this happens. The last few years, we've had the best intentions but it doesn't always get up until a few weeks after Thanksgiving. Honestly, we still don't have a tree up yet (we're both sick today, too - ugh) but the lights are out on the house. :) J's answer: Shortly after Thanksgiving.

6. What is your favorite holiday dish? This is a hard one. Growing up, I did a lot of baking and used to make these cookies called, 'snow ball's'. So delicious...buttery cookies that almost flake or melt upon biting into them, covered in powered sugar. I don't have the recipe anymore although I've found some online I should try. As an adult, I now love peanut butter yum-yums thanks to Mary Grace and shortbread-almond-orange-glazed cookies that my besti makes me almost yearly (Besti - you best not disappoint this yr!!! ;) Love you mean it). These aren't really dishes, are they? Major baking theme going on. J's answer: Mom's cheesy spaghetti.

7. Fave holiday memory as a child: Hmmm...Sneaking into the living room with my sister, Celeste, the night before Christmas (or early morning hrs). We'd unwrap 1 present, re-wrap and then go back to bed. SO FUN. J's answer: Early Christmas morning, Dad would pretend to be Santa, run across the roof jingling bells and wake us up.

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I think Celeste told me. I must have been around 10 or so but don't really remember. I had heard this at school but didn't believe any of the kids. I believed my older sister. J's answer: Don't remember.

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas eve? Yes! I always have and this is fun. J's answer: Yes.

10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? John and I have very different ideas of how we want the tree decorated (see answer to #3). I want a theme like huge gold bows, all white lights and red balls with red & gold shiny ornaments that match or compliment each other. Or, a silver theme with an accent and ornaments that match or contrast nicely. Get the idea? John likes tons of colored lights, tons of random ornaments & just a jumbled mess of stuff. Well, that's how he explains it but when he decorates, it comes out looking how I want it. Amazing.

11. Snow - love it or dread it? Love it! Houston snow (for a day or few hours) doesn't really count as snow. It does falling down but you don't get the winter wonderland and experience like in real snow cities. I think I could move to Colorado. (John left the room...)

12. Can you ice skate? Yes, it's great fun. Just found out Amber and John have never tried it! We will have to change that asap.

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? I really don't. I remember lots of great gifts over the years...stereo and record player with speakers; bicycles; nice cameras.

14. What's the most important thing about the holidays for you? Certainly Advent and celebrating Christ's birth, praying He would draw me near and make me more like Him. I also like fun times with no drama, and peace.

15. Fave holiday dessert? (see answer to #6). Some I left out are Renee's buttermilk pie, Renee's chocolate pie (both of which I am going to try my hand at this year) and Renee's red velvet cake, with peppermint cream cheese icing!

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Attending the Christmas eve service at my church. It used to be the midnight service when I was in the Baptist church, but my church doesn't do one that late, thank goodness. I'm too old and tired to stay up that late!

I also can't skip this question without saying that my besti, Amber, has made Christmas wonderful for me and made me love it again. She reminded me that the Lord works through relationships by showing me that 'tradition' means celebrating Christ’s birth with good food, lots of laughs & love by those you surround yourself with that love you back. I mean this in the deepest, most profound sense in case it's coming across shallow. I used to hate Christmas and tried focusing on Jesus but it was hard when life's trials brought hard times and/or depression (just to be real honest). God used Amber to remind me what it is really about and to love Christmas again to pass on to my children. That's big. Praise God and thank you, Amby!

17. What tops your tree? An angel or star - whatever is most glorious that I've purchased or John and I both agree on.

18. Which do you prefer, giving or receiving? I get very excited at giving presents that I have specially picked out for loved ones. I think I give good gifts that people will love, or need, or have wanted. When I've given all the presents and smiles and hugs have been passed around, it's always nice to see I might have a present to open which is quite exciting! So, both but each holds different emotions.

19. Fave Christmas song? "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow;" Amy Grant's song that I don't remember the name of right now; "I'll be home for Christmas"; "Sleigh ride"...I guess I have a few.

20. Do you like candy canes? I love them. I always forget how good they are until it's the last piece of candy in the house. So, I go ahead and eat it and remember how delicious they are. It does have sugar in it, after all, of which I am addicted.

21. Fave Christmas show? I like Miracle on 34th Street, The Santa Clause, It's a Wonderful Life.

22. Saddest Christmas song? I don't like the one about Christmas shoes that they play over and over and over and over and over at Christmas. They being the local Chrisitan station. Ugh. In this case, I'm defining 'sad' as 'I don't like it!'

N and J

Friday, December 4, 2009

Its totally snowing!

Unbelievably, this is saige's 2nd snowy Christmas!

And here she is taking a break from feeding her baby doll pretending to feed herself. Super cutie patooties.
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